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Frequently Asked Questions about RTT® and Hypnosis

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If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact me.

[/fusion_text][fusion_button link="https://philippadean.com/contact-me/" text_transform="" title="" target="_self" link_attributes="" alignment_medium="" alignment_small="" alignment="" modal="" color="custom" button_gradient_top_color="#3ca1a1" button_gradient_bottom_color="#3ca1a1" button_gradient_top_color_hover="" button_gradient_bottom_color_hover="" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" type="" bevel_color="" border_width="" border_radius="" border_color="" border_hover_color="" size="" stretch="default" icon="" icon_position="left" icon_divider="no" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" sticky_display="normal,sticky" class="" id=""]Contact Me Now[/fusion_button][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type="3_5" layout="3_5" align_self="auto" content_layout="column" align_content="flex-start" valign_content="flex-start" content_wrap="wrap" spacing="" center_content="no" link="" target="_self" min_height="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" sticky_display="normal,sticky" class="" id="" type_medium="" type_small="" order_medium="0" order_small="0" dimension_spacing_medium="" dimension_spacing_small="" dimension_spacing="" dimension_margin_medium="" dimension_margin_small="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" padding_medium="" padding_small="" padding_top="" padding_right="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" hover_type="none" border_sizes="" border_color="" border_style="solid" border_radius="" box_shadow="no" dimension_box_shadow="" box_shadow_blur="0" box_shadow_spread="0" box_shadow_color="" box_shadow_style="" background_type="single" gradient_start_color="" gradient_end_color="" gradient_start_position="0" gradient_end_position="100" gradient_type="linear" radial_direction="center center" linear_angle="180" background_color="" background_image="" background_image_id="" background_position="left top" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_blend_mode="none" render_logics="" filter_type="regular" filter_hue="0" filter_saturation="100" filter_brightness="100" filter_contrast="100" filter_invert="0" filter_sepia="0" filter_opacity="100" filter_blur="0" filter_hue_hover="0" filter_saturation_hover="100" filter_brightness_hover="100" filter_contrast_hover="100" filter_invert_hover="0" filter_sepia_hover="0" filter_opacity_hover="100" filter_blur_hover="0" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset="" last="true" border_position="all" first="false"][fusion_accordion type="" boxed_mode="yes" border_size="1" border_color="" background_color="" hover_color="" divider_line="" title_font_size="20" icon_size="" icon_color="" icon_boxed_mode="" icon_box_color="" icon_alignment="" toggle_hover_accent_color="#3ca1a1" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id=""][fusion_toggle title="What is hypnosis?" open="yes"]Hypnosis, or “being in trance”, is a way to describe feeling relaxed and comfortable. It is a natural state of mind that we go in and out of many times every day. Think of a time when you were in a ‘trance’ having a conversation then suddenly you came “back into the room” realising that your mind had drifted to thinking about something you needed to get done that day or what you were planning to do that evening. You were in a trance-like state. Clients are often surprised that they are not asleep; that they can hear what I’m saying and that they’re aware of everything going on around them.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="What If I can’t be hypnotised?" open="no"]Everyone can be hypnotised: as long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. It’s an easy, enjoyable and thoroughly relaxing process.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="Do I lose control when I’m hypnotised?" open="no"]Hypnosis is not putting you to sleep; it’s putting your nervous system in a relaxed state. This means that even though you remain fully aware of everything going on around you, you are not bothered by them. As a result, you can turn your attention inward. I cannot get you to do anything in hypnosis that you would not do otherwise.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="What if I don’t go “deep enough”?" open="no"]Don’t worry about how deep you go. I want you to forget all about that. It’s really not important. The depth of trance is not linked to results at all. So don’t get stuck on “Am I deep enough?” Just tell yourself the truth – “This is working,” and it will absolutely work. Just know that it is effective.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="How long does one session take? " open="no" class="" id=""]

Each session lasts between 90 minutes to 2 hours. However, I always ask clients to block out 3 hours in their calendar just in case we need a little extra time to get the most out of the therapy session. I don’t want you to feel rushed or anxious about time.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="How long will it be before I see a change in myself?" open="no"]There are three ways in which people experience changes; these are immediate, cumulative, and retrospective.

The first group of people are those that feel a change immediately. Some will feel a massive shift right after the session: for example, they may immediately feel more confident, more motivated, or notice they now want to do the things they previously feared. These people often leave the session feeling lighter, like a weight has lifted.

The second group notice the cumulative effect. Day by day, week by week, bit by bit they gradually notice the changes seeping in and locking into their lives. They notice that they are gradually changing their self-talk, which results in steady, cumulative positive change. They see consistent shifts every week which build over time.

The third group of people experience retrospective change. They look back after a period of time and notice all the things that are different in their life.  For example, the critical voice in their head has quietened and they feel happier, calmer and more in control: life just seems less stressful and more enjoyable. Family or friends point out they seem different somehow and more confident; they can have a realisation about how easy it’s become to make better choices in life.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="Are the results guaranteed?" open="no"]No. No professional will guarantee results. I will however guarantee that I will give you 100% of my knowledge, expertise and compassion, and if you give you 100% effort, dedication and openness, you will experience change. The fact that most of my clients come to me via referrals is the best indication I can give of how effective RTT® is in helping people become free of their problems. Check out the testimonial below[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="What if I revisit something that is painful, traumatic, or scary? " open="no"]If you go back to events that are related to things like sexual, emotional or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it, and that you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal - you will be Okay.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="How will I feel after the session?" open="no"]Everyone is different and depending on how deeply you work, you might come out of your session bouncing with excitement, or you may feel a sense of reflection or wonder. A common response is feeling lighter, like a weight has been lifted.

You may continue to discover even more about yourself and your programming post-session, and some people find they continue to think of other life events which have effected them as they continue to process and deepen their understanding of how past events have influenced their beliefs and behaviour. Others may find that for the next 24-hours they need the bathroom more often, which is a sign that the body is clearing out and positive change is happening.
Very occasionally some people may feel emotional, or increased feelings of anxiety may develop over the next few days. This is okay and nothing to worry about. It is a clear sign that the old beliefs are becoming unstuck, as the new empowering beliefs nudge and dislodge the old ways of thinking. It is important to acknowledge the feelings and know that they will pass. You can increase the number of times you listen to the recording each day to aid this process.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="Why do I have to book a discovery call before booking a session?" open="no"]It’s important we talk so we can gauge whether we feel a rapport and feel comfortable working together. This is one of the two most critical factors for hypnotherapy to work well. The other is that you must be committed to making change.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="Are on-line sessions as effective as face-to-face?" open="no"]Absolutely; most of my sessions are run on-line, and they are equally as effective as a face to face sessions – sometimes even more so, because clients may feel more relaxed in a space that is familiar to them.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="What equipment do I need to do a session on-line?" open="no"]

I use a video conferencing platform called Zoom, which is a reliable, stable platform. It is easy to use and there are no additional charges for using the service. All instructions are provided in advance of the session. 

In order to have a session over Zoom you will need the following: 

  • A strong and stable internet connection 
  • a PC, Laptop or tablet that has a camera and a microphone (we do not recommend using phones for online sessions) 
  • You will need a private, quiet space where you will not be disturbed, which has somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down. I will need a clear, close up view of your head, shoulders and arms, and enough space to extend your arms out in front of you without obstruction.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title="Is RTT® suitable for everyone?" open="no"]Hypnosis is not recommended for anyone with epilepsy, schizophrenia or suffering from psychosis.[/fusion_toggle][/fusion_accordion][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_global id="3691"]



I was struggling with feelings that were stopping me from moving forward in my life.

In the session it felt as though I was truly letting go of the emotions and thoughts that were holding me back.

I was absolutely blown away by her phenomenal skills as a therapist.
M. (Hertfordshire)
I was struggling to lose weight, I knew I was sabotaging my own progress, but I had no idea why.

Philippa helped me find the belief that I had made as a child that was holding me back

What a transformation in just one session!

I cannot thank Philippa enough.
Wendy M. (Ipswich)
I have been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety.

I am so happy with my progress with Philippa.

I highly recommend you try this therapy with Philippa  - it really works if you stick to it.
C. Burns (Sheffield)
I had a horrible tinfoil phobia.

I completely put my trust in Philippa, and I am so happy that I did.

I am literally cured of my lifelong phobia…

Thank you so, so much.
G. Evans (Hereford)
My mindset was completely skewed around money and it was blocking my progress, as well as stressing me out!

What would have kept me awake stressing out doesn’t seem to be affecting me as it would.

I was a bit sceptical but Philippa is very skilled, and I have no hesitation in recommending her.
L. Colby (Rotherham)
We worked on a physical condition of mine that I can confidently say I feel much freer and lighter about.

Philippa is an extremely highly-skilled Rapid Transformational Therapist.

I would highly recommend booking in a session with Philippa!
G. McGeehan (Buckinghamshire)
  • I was struggling with feelings that were stopping me from moving forward in my life.

    In the session it felt as though I was truly letting go of the emotions and thoughts that were holding me back.

    I was absolutely blown away by her phenomenal skills as a therapist.
    M. (Hertfordshire)
    I was struggling to lose weight, I knew I was sabotaging my own progress, but I had no idea why.

    Philippa helped me find the belief that I had made as a child that was holding me back

    What a transformation in just one session!

    I cannot thank Philippa enough.
    Wendy M. (Ipswich)
    I have been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety.

    I am so happy with my progress with Philippa.

    I highly recommend you try this therapy with Philippa  - it really works if you stick to it.
    C. Burns (Sheffield)
  • I had a horrible tinfoil phobia.

    I completely put my trust in Philippa, and I am so happy that I did.

    I am literally cured of my lifelong phobia…

    Thank you so, so much.
    G. Evans (Hereford)
    My mindset was completely skewed around money and it was blocking my progress, as well as stressing me out!

    What would have kept me awake stressing out doesn’t seem to be affecting me as it would.

    I was a bit sceptical but Philipp is very skilled, and I have no hesitation in recommending her.
    L. Colby (Rotherham)
    We worked on a physical condition of mine that I can confidently say I feel much freer and lighter about.

    Philippa is an extremely highly-skilled Rapid Transformational Therapist.

    I would highly recommend booking in a session with Philippa!
    G. McGeehan (Buckinghamshire)

Live a Life of Limitless Potential

with Transformational Hypnotherapy
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
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